
This short demo contains two simple things: darkening background images using pure CSS and a simple, easy to understand, vanilla JavaScript parallax.
I recently came across the issue of table-cells overflowing - messing up the display of the table.The table-layout property is the easiest way to handle it
Alright, maybe I'm a day late, I'm sorry. Calculating the Fibonacci Sequence is a fun exercise, with or without recursion.
I've talked about CSS Borders a lot already, but I discovered another use for them that I thought warranted a whole post: a 'reverse' chevron
I found a 'code every day' challenge - 'Codevember'. I got some inspiration at an art exhibit, so I'm gonna give it a shot with the exhibit as source inspo
I recently had a client ask me 'is there a difference between '' and ''?' In short: no. But of course, it's more complicated.
I'm working on a redesign using the Bulma CSS framework to overhaul my site. Bulma has a few quirks though, like this overflowing button text
Modifying the htaccess file can improve your SEO, can improve usability of your site, improve server response time, help save you headaches, and more.
I wanted to be able to use lorem ipsum easily - without going a site, finding text, and copying it. I thought a Chrome Extension might work, so I built one.