A Reddit Post encouraged me to start maintaining a list of useful resources for web designers/developers. Of course, I’ll throw in a lot of tools & resources from my own lists, too. If you want to suggest an additional tool, resource, or edit, shoot me a message using my contact form, email me, or hit me up on Twitter.
- https://www.pexels.com/: Free stock photo site
- https://unsplash.com/: Free stock photo site
- https://screenshot.guru/: Capture screenshots of web pages
- https://www.canva.com/: Kind of an online photoshop
- https://www.photopea.com/: Free online design editor that supports PSD, XCF, and Sketch formats
- https://undraw.co/: Free flat illustration
- https://stocksnap.io/: Free stock Photos
- https://pixabay.com/: Free images
- https://snag.gy/: Easy way to share a snapshot
- https://www.transparenttextures.com/: Background Textures
- https://flatuicolors.com/: Flat UI color picker/palette picker
- https://color.hailpixel.com/: Color picker
- https://coolors.co/: Color scheme generator
- https://unfurlr.com/: Find the original URL behind a short URL
- http://coralcdn.org/: Access sites when they’re down
- http://e.ggtimer.com/: Online timer
- http://www.polishmywriting.com/: Check your writing
- http://gtmetrix.com/: Check your website for speed issues
- https://privnote.com/: Create self-destructing text nodes
- https://www.ifixit.com/: Guides to fix almost anything
- https://alternativeto.net/: Find free software recommendations
- http://buzzsumo.com/: Check most shared content
- https://trello.com/: Project Management Tools
- https://tools.pingdom.com/: Website speed test
- https://emojipedia.org/: List of emojis you can use on web
- https://www.materialpalette.com/: Material design palette
- https://www.mindmup.com/: Logic mapping
- https://pannellum.org/: Panorama viewer
- https://gethead.info/: A list of everything that could go in your
- http://ge.tt/: File sharing
- https://wetransfer.com/: Transfer big files for free
- https://virusscan.jotti.org/: Scan any suspicious file
- https://www.fromsmash.com/: File transfer service
- https://smallpdf.com/: File conversion (including PDF and other PDF tools)
Social Media/Email
- http://ctrlq.org/first: Find the first tweet containing a keyword
- https://www.join.me/: share your screen with anyone
- http://10minutemail.com/: create a temporary e-mail inbox
- http://scr.im/: protect your e-mail against spam
Fonts & Icons
- https://fonts.google.com/ Webfonts & font downloads
- http://iconfinder.com/: Search for free & paid icons
- https://lukaszadam.com/illustrations: Free icons & illustrations
- https://iconmonstr.com/iconicfont/: Free Icons
- https://icomoon.io/app/#/select: Free icons
- https://thenounproject.com/: Free icons
- https://icons8.com/: Free icons
- http://www.socicon.com/: Social icons
- http://meettheipsums.com/: Ipsum collection
- https://brajeshwar.github.io/entities/: Character entities
Other Resource Collections
- http://oozled.com/: Resources for everything creative
- http://webdesignrepo.com/: Web Design repo
- http://littlesnippets.net/: To inspire your website designs
- http://www.unheap.com/: Repo of jQuery Plugins
- https://uimovement.com/: UI inspiration
- http://frontendtools.com/: Tools for front end developers
- http://allthefreestock.com/: Search a lot of stock image sites at once